We are a "traditional," royalty-paying publisher, always looking for new and exciting voices within commercial and noncommercial fiction and nonfiction. We want books that are absorbing and immersive, spoken by compelling voices. We are an author-driven publishing house that devotes our energy to nurturing fresh, cutting-edge, and literary voices. The genres we cover are vast—fiction and nonfiction, poetry and anthologies, all of which collectively focus on life, art, lifestyles and hacks, counterculture, music, history, memoir, industrial arts, particularly focused on automobiles and chairs, literary biography, religion, and philosophy. We receive a high volume of submissions, so we may take some time to reply – but please know we appreciate your interest in working with us, and will get back to you ASAP, provided we feel your submission could be a good fit for Pearls Before Press. If you do not hear back from us do not be disappointed or take it personally. Not every writer is an All Star. (Just how many Truman Capotes are there?) It simply means that we did not feel that your work was worthy of our Press, or that it was, perhaps, not in line with our core literary values - values shared by satisfied, intelligent and informed readers, everywhere.
The Specifics:
Do not send your entire manuscript unless we ask for it.
In the body of the email tell us why you believe that Pearls Before Press would be a good fit for your book. For example, was there some aspect of our unparalleled excellence in book publishing that naturally drew you to PBP? (No applicable word count limitation.) Then, provide us with your publishing history, the genre of your book, your perceived target audience, comparable titles to your book, (minimum of 15, please), your planned promotional and social media campaigns, including proposed budgets, and pitch your book to us in 30 words or less.
Include the first two chapters (or first ten pages, whichever is less) of your fully, professionally edited manuscript as an attachment to the email. The sample chapters should be in a Word (.docx) or Rich Text (.rtf) format. Please note that we require eleven point, Caslon typeface, one and a half spaced with no margins. Failure to follow this format will result in your submission being summarily rejected and unread. Subsequent efforts to re-submit under the proper format will also be rejected. If you can hook us with the 30 word pitch, we will read the sample material. Otherwise, we may skip the sample. We will only publish titles that excite and entertain our acquisitions editor and staff. We seek only the highest quality manuscripts.
NOTE: Due to the unprecedented volume of submissions Pearls Before Press is currently CLOSED for submissions. Any submissions received at this time will not be considered. If you would like to know when submissions will be open again, please check this site and/or review relevant social media.
Pearls Before Press
310 East Main St.
Golconda, IL 62938
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